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So, what is Comets?

Comets is a recreational, pan-disability football programme for disabled boys and girls aged between 5 and 11. Pan-disability is the largest format of disability football, which sees players with a broad range of impairments and health conditions play together. 

Comets offers a new, flexible and inclusive way of playing, one that’s all about playfulness, friendships and having fun. More than anything, Comets is football that breaks the old rules and replaces them with a brand new one: JUST BE YOU

More information can be found here

If you would like to be considered as a provider please contact –

Good New Story – Sunderland City Juniors set up a Pilot Session in June and have developed into a regular weekly session, this is how they did it !


1. How did you promote your session?

Lots of advertising through Facebook through local parents’ groups / disability groups flyers into the shop windows specifically next to the bus stops so people could read them. School specialists, council, local authority groups including SENDIAS and local offer, local media groups,


2. What training did you receive?

Independent learning online, some of the parents also upskilled and completed a DBS check and safeguarding qualification to help support the session if required.  The coaches also did a little research into the different disability groups to further increase their knowledge.


3. What type of sessions do you deliver?

Sessions are delivered to suit the needs of the players; we ensure they are fun and relaxed. Allow for adaptations as the sessions may not go the way you planned. There are some really good session plans that come with the kit offering a variety of activities.


4. What equipment do you use for your sessions?

We received a free equipment pack from the FA for the programme which included different coloured footballs, bibs, cones, session plans, flash cards and a sensory fidget pack.


5. What support have you received?

Received a set up grant as part of the programme which has helped to fund the facility whilst we got the session off the ground. We started with 2 children and we are now up to 12, the funds really do help when your numbers are lower.


6. Any advice for anyone else setting up a new Comets Centre?

Be patient, have an open mind, don’t’ worry if you don’t have the regular numbers at the start keep going and the numbers will build up. Each session will be different but with the help of the session plans they have been a great tool for the coaches to help deliver sessions to suit the needs of the players.

Keep the sessions relaxed!


7. Anything else you would like to add

The new booking system Clubspark has worked really well, easy to use and is not complicated you can view the sessions you have booked so you don’t’ forget.


What do the children say?

Sam who started the session at the start of the programme, enjoys playing matches, kicky ups and skills. Loves the bright and colourful t-shirt.

What do the parents/carers say?

The football session helps to learn new skills, play matches to help develop skills. The session started with 2 and is now up to 12 with Sam being a regular to the session.

Another parent mentioned how her daughter had surpassed all of her special needs targets and had made new friends since joining the Comets session at Sunderland City Juniors.  

Comets session finder


Chester Le Street Amazons - Girls Only

Venue: Hermitage Academy (Astro Turf Behind Sports Hall), Chester Le Street, DH2 3AD
Time: 5:00-6:00pm
Contact: Julie E:
Age Groups: 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability


Ferryhill Town

Venue: Dean Bank Recreation Ground, Ferryhill, DL17 8PS
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Contact: Thomas Roy E:
Cost: £2.50 per session
Age Groups: 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability


Seaham Roseberry Park FC

Venue: Seaham Youth & Community Centre, Seaham, SR7 8QE
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Contact: Wayne Potts E:
Cost: Free
Age Groups: 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability


Darlington Spraire Lads & Lasses FC

Venue: Redhall Community Centre, DL1 2ST
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Contact: Katy McLaren E:
Cost: £3 per session
Age Groups: 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability


Gateshead Rutherford AFC

Venue: Rutherford AFC, NE11 0HJ
Time: 12:00-13:00pm
Contact: Mandy Dodgson E:
Cost: £3 per session
Age Groups: 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability

Seaton Carew

Contact - for further information


Washington Association Football Club

Venue: Washington Football Hub, NE37 2TT
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Contact: Neil Jones E:
Cost: £4 per session
Age Groups:
 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability


Sunderland City Juniors

Venue: Goals Soccer Centre Sunderland, SR3 4AG
Time: 11:15-12:00pm
Contact: David Nicholson E:
Cost: £2 per session
Age Groups: 5-11 Years Old
Disability: Pan Disability