Safer Internet Day, 7th February
Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the annual event sees hundreds of organisations get involved to
help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.
Globally, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries, coordinated by the joint Insafe and INHOPE
network and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.
The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to
create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, sports coaches, social
workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet.
In the UK, we are celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging
them to shape the online safety support that they receive, with the theme "Want to talk about it? Making space for
conversations about life online".
Safer Internet Day would reach so many young people with support from football across the UK.
Below are some suggestions and details of resources for Safer Internet Day 2023:
A b o u t S a f e r I n t e r n e t D a y 2 0 2 3
In 2022, we reached over half of UK children - with your help, we can make 2023 even bigger!
How can your club get involved?
- Sign up as a Safer Internet Day Supporter and tell us your plans – register online here.
- Promote the day on social media using the hashtag #SaferInternetDay and tagging @UK_SIC.
- Take a look at the Safer Internet Day resources.
- Initiate conversations with parents and carers about your club's approach to using social media.
- Review and promote your County FA/club online safety advice on your site (please feel free to link to
Find out more about keeping safe online in football here -