England Talent Day - 27th March 2020
An FA England Talent Day hosted by Durham County FA has been confirmed with support from specialist coaches from the Foundation of Light.
The event will take place on;
Date: Friday 27th March 2020
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Venue: Temple Park Centre, South Shields, NE34 8QN.
The Talent day is aimed at two age groups (7-11 years old and 12-16 years old) with the following disabilities:
- Amputee
- Blind
- Deaf
- Cerebral Palsy
- Partially Sighted
The day will consist of a short welcome introduction, followed by a football session in the hall at Temple Park Centre which will include a series of practices and games delivered by specialist Coaches.
Please could you complete the application form and return it to the following address
Andrea Fyall
Durham FA
Riverside South
Chester -Le- Street
Click here to download the England Talent Day Application Form
Please get in touch with Andrea should you have any queries;
Andrea Fyall
Football Development Officer (Disability)
Email: Andrea.Fyall@DurhamFA.com
Tel: 0191 3872928 (Option 4 then Option 7)