Insight into the FA Level 2 in Coaching Football for female coaches
Are you currently a Level 1 coach?
Have you ever considered or would you consider doing your Level 2?
Durham FA, in partnership with the FA Women’s High Performance Football Centre at Northumbria University, are providing an opportunity to gain a free insight into the FA Level 2 in Coaching Football qualification. The event is aimed at those coaching within women’s & girls’ football (male or female coaches) / female coaches who are coaching across any format of the game, who are interested in or potentially interested in enrolling on the FA Level 2 in Coaching Football qualification in the future. Coaches will be provide a detailed overview of the qualification, with the following aspects being brought to life:
- Course Structure – what the format and layout of the course looks like
- Course Content – what topics and themes the course covers
- Course Requirements – what you will need to do to complete the course
There will be time available for attendees to ask questions, should they require any further details. The event will also provide information regarding other coach development opportunities being delivered by Durham FA and the FA Women’s High Performance Football Centre during 19/20 season.
Date: Monday 19th August 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Venue: Durham County FA, Riverside South, Chester-le-Street, Durham, DH3 3SJ
How to Book Your Place
Get in touch
David Cleary
Senior Football Development Officer (Coach Education)
T: 0191 3872928 (Option 4 then Option 1)