Durham FA Office - Friday 13th December 2019
Please note that the Durham FA Offices will be closed from 12:45pm today (Friday 13th December 2019) and re-open at 9.00am on Monday 16th December 2019.
The answer machine will be on during this time.
If you have an urgent safeguarding concern (child or vulnerable adult) please contact contact FA/NSPCC 24hr Helpline for advice on children on 0808 800 5000 and the FA Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@thefa.com – you can also contact the police.
If referring any concern to the Police, Children or Adult Services; please also inform Durham County FA Staff (richard.hughes@durhamfa.com or michael.bell@durhamfa.com or andrew.neill@durhamfa.com) so that we can follow up.