Safeguarding Contacts
Useful contacts
Local Contact details for Club Welfare Officers and Youth League Welfare Officers regarding Child and Adult Safeguarding concerns.
Adult and Children Safeguarding Contact points
South Tyneside Council
Adult Safeguarding
0191 424 6000 (Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 5pm, Friday - 8.30am to 4.30pm)
0191 456 2093 (outside of the above office hours)
Child Safeguarding
0191 424 5010 (Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 5pm, Friday - 8.30am to 4.30pm)
0191 456 2093 (out of office hours)
Gateshead Borough Council
Adult Safeguarding
0191 433 7033, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have a safeguarding adults query (not a referral) Adults duty worker 0191 433 2222.
Child Safeguarding
0191 433 2653 (office hours: Monday - Friday, 8.30am to 5pm)
or, 0191 477 0844 (out of hours, at night, at weekends and bank holidays)
Sunderland City Council
Adult Safeguarding
0191 5618934 or 0191 5618936 (8.30am to 5:15pm Monday - Thursday, 8.30am to 4.45pm Friday).
Child Safeguarding
0191 561 7007 (available 8.30am to 5:15pm Monday - Thursday, 8.30am to 4.45pm Friday)
County Durham
Adult Safeguarding
03000 267 979
Child Safeguarding
03000 267 979
Darlington Borough Council
Adult Safeguarding
01325 406111 or the Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team on 01642 524552.
Child Safeguarding
01325 406222 or Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team on 01642 524552.
Stockton on Tees Borough Council and Hartlepool Council
Adult Safeguarding
01429 523390 Email:
Child Safeguarding
01429 284284 / 01642 130080 or out of office hours call 01642 524552.
If you are concerned that immediate action is necessary dial 999.
Durham/Darlington: 101 Emergency – 999
Northumbria: 101 Emergency – 999
Cleveland: 101 Emergency – 999
General Numbers for Advice
FA CRC Enquiry line – email or 0845 210 8080
FA/NSPCC Helpline – 24 hours a day 0808 800 5000
Deaf Users Text-phone: 0800 056 0566
Childline 0800 1111
Relevant Websites - This charity website is designed for children and parents who are faced with dealing with bullying, giving practical advice and guidance. - CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency. CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children, and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. - Children's charity with national 24-hour telephone help line. Offers children the opportunity to talk in confidence. - Charity for children that runs a helpline and training events and has collaborated on many child protection initiatives. - The website of the Ann Craft Trust, a national association which deals with the protection of learning disabled adults and children from sexual abuse. It also provides support for families and survivors. The Ann Craft Trust, Centre for Social Work, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD
Tel: 0115 951 5400
Fax: 0115 951 5232
E-mail: - Britain's largest children's charity and a prime mover in the development of child protection services for sport. They run a 24-hour telephone helpline. The NSPCC National Training Centre houses a staffed Child Protection in Sport Unit, with multi-agency backing (see - Specialist library catalogue of research, journal articles & other publications, latest child protection news, weekly e-mail summaries, online publication ordering, selective reading lists. – 24 hour confidential support and help for those with any kind of personal problem. Backed up by an e-mail group, Befrienders (via, an International charity developing volunteer action to prevent suicide. The site features a comprehensive directory of emotional first aid help lines. - The UK's free online specialised child protection esource. A general list of 1,000 self-help organisations in the UK. - The Child Protection in Sport Unit's (CPSU) website, a registered charity funded by the NSPCC and Sport England. Designed for use by anyone involved in sport or child protection, it is informative with sections on Home, Parents, Children, Organisations and Professionals. - Sports Coach UK (previously known as The National Coaching Foundation) is committed to the development of coaches and coaching at every level in the UK. They provide workshops and resources to guide the coaching of young players and safe and ethical sports practice